Frequently Asked Questions

It usually takes 12-24 hours for your practice sets to get activated. If you still don't see your practice sets after 24 hours, then give us a call and we will fix it.
Yes, you can leave the Corporate ID blank while registering.
You can view the result of every practice test after completing the test. The result reports will cover sectional and overall cut-offs, analysis of your performance with the cutoffs, topics wise accuracy and time taken analysis.
Our practice tests are not general tests, they are very specific to the exam. For example, all banking examinations like RBI, IBPS, SBI are slightly different. At GitaRaniJD, we make specific practice tests for different exams.
Our practice tests question papers are prepared by experienced Professional. A number of inputs go into creating the question papers, like - pattern of previous years question papers, changing trends over previous years, pattern of recent exams conducted by the same agency, e.g. IBPS conducts many exams every year including those of banks, insurance companies, PF organizations, regulatory bodies etc. For instance, while creating practice sets for IBPS PO, our experts will take into consideration last few years IBPS PO question papers and also the recent other exams conducted by IBPS, like RBI Officers, SEBI Officers, LIC AAO etc. The purpose of the above extensive exercise is to come up with practice sets of all probable difficulty levels and patterns, so that our students are well prepared to face everything in the exam.
Subject tests are untimed tests i.e. they don't limit you on the time so that you can attempt as many questions as you want and check your understanding of concepts. After taking subject tests, you move to mock tests which are full length tests with same pattern and time restrictions as the actual exam. Practice tests will aim at improving your speed & accuracy and fine tune your exam strategy.
Ideally you should take at least 1-2 practice tests before you even properly start your preparation. You may think that this way you will waste a practice test, but practice never goes waste. Your performance in the practice test will give you very important information on what to prepare and how to prepare, what to focus on and more importantly what to not focus on. Hence, the earlier you start taking practice tests, the better it is. We recommend that for banking/ PSU objective type exams, you should start taking practice tests at least 60-90 days in advance of your exam. You should aim to write 15-20 mock tests before taking the actual exam.

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